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Brand name: Lipitor

  • Atorvastatin
  • $113
  • $12.27
  • 89%

The lowest price for generic Atorvastatin (Lipitor) with SaveonMeds is $12.27 for a 30-day supply. This is over 89% off on the drug’s average retail price of $113.

Atorvastatin is used to lower bad cholesterol and fats such as LDL, and raise good cholesterol such as HDL in the blood. The medicine belongs to a group of drugs known as “Statins” and provides relief to the individual by reducing the amount of cholesterol produced by the liver that may stuck in the arteries and block smooth blood supply to heart, brain and other body parts, thus decreasing a person’s risk of heart diseases, heart attack and strokes. The medicine is particularly prescribed for the individuals with diabetes, coronary heart disease and other risk factors.

How to take it

For best results, take Atorvastatin along with proper diet and exercises.


Atorvastatin is available in the tablet form and is usually taken once a day with or without food. Follow the directions on your prescription label carefully. Dosage will depend on your medical condition and response to treatment.

Precautions and side effects

Tell your doctor if you have liver disease, as they may not prescribe the medicine if you have liver disease. Do not breast-feed while you are taking on this medication. Eat a low-cholesterol and low-fat diet, and follow the recommendations of your dietician. The medicine may cause side effects such as diarrhea, joint pain and memory loss. Tell your doctor if the symptoms do not go away.


Disclaimer: The information and content posted on this website is intended for informational purposes only and is not intended to be used as a replacement for medical advice. Always seek medical advice from a medical professional for diagnosis or treatment, including before embarking on and/or changing any prescription medication or for specific medical advice related to your medical history.

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